The human being is creative, is not static, always is thinking about things, in how to make life happier and easier; and because of that, the world is always changing. However, not always the changes are good for the people, sometimes are good just for a group of people, and actually 2014 my world is so different than my grandparent´s world.

The food changed too. Before the food was more natural, more fresh; now is so different; there´s more plastic food, more pesticides into the food, and more "easy food" that truly have a lot of chemical products. The way the people eat now is more unhealthy than before, but now are more varieties of edible products, at least thats good for us.
Because the food, now the illness are so differents. Before the illnesses were less strong,now there´s more medical technology and medicine, but there are more strong illnesses. Now the medical service is more varied than before,and safer,now is more secure to have a baby than before and is easier to prevent an illness.
Now the world is so different, in some cases the life is easier now, but in the same way is more stressing and competitive. But our quality as human being to create is danger because now everything is done, and the people and specially the kids, aren´t thinking, we are becoming robots behind computers, less sociable, less thinker, and less creative.

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