Sports are a good reason to be healthy. I love it, and
some people tell me that is weird because women don’t use to like sports, but
since I was a child around me, always was something about it. In general,
sports are a way to keep children and teenager busy and far from delinquency
and violence. The popularity of sports depends on the community, for example
here in Costa Rica soccer is so popular, everybody likes soccer; in Venezuela
baseball is the most popular sport, in England is rugby, and successively. When
I was 5 years old, I started to practice a sport, and I continued doing it the
next 9 years.
My mom put me in a swimming class when I was 5 years
old, and I didn´t want to because I felt afraid, however we used to go, my mom,
my brother and I, all the afternoon, after lunch and kinder garden. But then, I
was getting used to the classes and I started to like swimming, so then I
decided to practice it more seriously and I started to go to competition; and I
was good doing it, in back and butterfly. Well my childhood was in a pool, and
party of my youth too, and I really enjoyed that, it was so exciting and fun
for me. But when I was 14 the trainings were so hard, I practiced in the
mornings from 5:00am to 6:30am two times a week, plus six days a week for four
hours per day too; was a lot and I was doing so bad at school, so I decided to
stop. I still love swimming, and I’m happy with my decision.

Baseball is my second favorite sport. My grandfather
was short stop in Los Cardenales de Lara, and then in Los Navegantes Del
Magallanes, these are two teams of the Venezuelan Baseball League. He was so
good, in fact he played in The United States for a time, he moved there for a
few months when my mom was a child, but one day he had an injury in the leg so
he couldn´t continue in the trainings.
However he was still playing baseball in Barquisimeto and teaching people. In
my family, everybody loves baseball and so do I.
My third favorite sport is soccer. La Vinotinto is the
Venezuelan soccer team and in the last ten years it has became a very good
team; Venezuela has never gone to a world cup, but every time is getting
better, in fact Venezuela was close to go to this last world cup in Brazil. I´m
so happy for that because we are so good in baseball, and now we are becoming
good in soccer too.
Finally, I think sports are so good for people, they are a good
entertainment and a good way to be healthy and strong; I enjoy a lot the
Olympics it makes me want to practice all the sports.