viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014

The days before...

I am so nervous because the next week i have the two exams. The worse part for me is grammatical, because I get confused sometimes, that's why this week and the next week I will be studying a lot, to be good on the test. I hope to do a good job.

jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

My experience with the sports - Essay III

Sports are a good reason to be healthy. I love it, and some people tell me that is weird because women don’t use to like sports, but since I was a child around me, always was something about it. In general, sports are a way to keep children and teenager busy and far from delinquency and violence. The popularity of sports depends on the community, for example here in Costa Rica soccer is so popular, everybody likes soccer; in Venezuela baseball is the most popular sport, in England is rugby, and successively. When I was 5 years old, I started to practice a sport, and I continued doing it the next 9 years. 

My mom put me in a swimming class when I was 5 years old, and I didn´t want to because I felt afraid, however we used to go, my mom, my brother and I, all the afternoon, after lunch and kinder garden. But then, I was getting used to the classes and I started to like swimming, so then I decided to practice it more seriously and I started to go to competition; and I was good doing it, in back and butterfly. Well my childhood was in a pool, and party of my youth too, and I really enjoyed that, it was so exciting and fun for me. But when I was 14 the trainings were so hard, I practiced in the mornings from 5:00am to 6:30am two times a week, plus six days a week for four hours per day too; was a lot and I was doing so bad at school, so I decided to stop. I still love swimming, and I’m happy with my decision.

Baseball is my second favorite sport. My grandfather was short stop in Los Cardenales de Lara, and then in Los Navegantes Del Magallanes, these are two teams of the Venezuelan Baseball League. He was so good, in fact he played in The United States for a time, he moved there for a few months when my mom was a child, but one day he had an injury in the leg so he couldn´t   continue in the trainings. However he was still playing baseball in Barquisimeto and teaching people. In my family, everybody loves baseball and so do I.

My third favorite sport is soccer. La Vinotinto is the Venezuelan soccer team and in the last ten years it has became a very good team; Venezuela has never gone to a world cup, but every time is getting better, in fact Venezuela was close to go to this last world cup in Brazil. I´m so happy for that because we are so good in baseball, and now we are becoming good in soccer too.

Finally, I think sports are so good for people, they are a good entertainment and a good way to be healthy and strong; I enjoy a lot the Olympics it makes me want to practice all the sports. 

miércoles, 30 de julio de 2014


I feel worry because the time for the exam is coming, and I need to practice more, because there´s a lot a grammar for the writing exam. I learn english on my own, so there´s some things that confuse me and makes me lose time, that´s why I need to be fast.

Sometimes I look like Wachu from open english hahaha.

sábado, 26 de julio de 2014

Life Before and Now Essay - 2

The human being is creative, is not static, always is thinking about things, in how to make life happier and easier; and because of that, the world is always changing. However, not always the changes are good for the people, sometimes are good just for a group of people, and actually 2014 my world is so different than my grandparent´s world. 

The communication is one of them. The internet has change the way people communicate; before 25 years ago the letters, the telephone, the radio, and the newspapers were the most important ways of communication, now the social networks like facebook, the cell phone, and others internet tools are the ways of communications,and now is so easy to know what is going on in Asia right now for example; now all the world is constantly in communication, nothing is a secret. 

 The food changed too. Before the food was more natural, more fresh; now is so different; there´s more plastic food, more pesticides into the food, and more "easy food" that truly have a lot of chemical products. The way the people eat now is more unhealthy than before, but now are more varieties of edible products, at least thats good for us.

Because the food, now the illness are so differents. Before the illnesses were less strong,now there´s more medical technology and medicine, but there are more strong illnesses. Now the medical service is more varied than before,and safer,now is more secure to have a baby than before and is easier to prevent an illness.

Now the world is so different, in some cases the life is easier now, but in the same way is more stressing and competitive. But our quality as human being to create is danger because now everything is done, and the people and specially the kids, aren´t thinking, we are becoming robots behind computers, less sociable, less thinker, and less creative.

sábado, 19 de julio de 2014

Super size me

I was impressed about a reading of the book that is related to a documentary called "Super size me". I saw the documentary last night and I was shocked; the guy of the documentary ate just mcdonald´s food for one month... just that food three times at day, and nothing else. But the documentary it is not just about the man doing his plan of eating, is about information and so many interesting research about the fast food. For me was great, because i learned so much about the composition of fast food, about numbers, experiences, and a lot of things about this kind of food, and the problem that causes.

viernes, 18 de julio de 2014


A few days ago, we talked in class about Bhutan, I like so much all relative to countries and cultures, in fact I am in the International Club from university, so I am part of activities and projects about it. But  i didn´t know about this place, i thing i heard something but i dont remember, and after class, i reserch about this place, and there is some things that I think are so interesting.

- Is one of the smallest countries and with less population in the world.
- It´s main indicator of satisfaction is not the GDP, but it is the Gross National Happiness.
- Bhutan atop still has not been scaled.
- It is one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world.
- People need a visa to visit the country, except for Bangladesh, India or Malvinas; and pay a lot of money.

This is Taktshang, a Buddhist monastery; is one of the Most Important place to visit in the country. The people just can not go walking or in mule.

This is a hotel in Bhutan

viernes, 11 de julio de 2014

Person description

My mom is Leticia, she is 48 years old, and she is beautiful. She grew up in Barquisimeto, and when she was a child, she used to play baseball in the neighborhood and she would go to her father's baseball games.

She has 4 children, I am the oldest and she is used to caring of us everytime. She is enginering but she had been all the time with us. Now, she is getting used to not seeing me frecuently, just through skype.

sábado, 28 de junio de 2014

What is obesity? And, what is overweight? Essay - 1

Actually, the obesity is a health problem that affects millions of people around the world, even causing death. But, sometimes people confuse obesity with overweight, and these are two differents definitions, and obviously differents problems. On the one hand, we have the overweight that is indicated for the body mass index (BMI) which is a formula of the weight and the height. The normal BMI is between 8 and 25, when is higher than 25 the person is overweight, and in the other hand we have obesity that is even worst, in the same way is indicated by the BMI when this is higher than 30. In this way, we can see the different between these two definitions, and the indicator used for identifying them.

There are a lot of factors that can cause being overweight and the obesity, although it is common that people think that it is caused just by bad eating habits, that is just one of the causes, but its not the only one. Is important to clarify that the fat accumulated in the body when someone eats more calories than they need, for examples if someone eats 3500 calories per day and only uses 3000, the other 500 calories will be accumulated in the body as fat. Additionally, sedentary life is another cause, because the exercise helps to burn calories and be more healthy, and finally the metabolism could be another cause, but this one is the more complicated one, because its requires medication and medical control.

In the world, these two problems are very common, however in some countries the index is higher than others. For example, in Japan the government have good policies to promote the good eating habits, like demand to companies to advise their employees that are overweight about health, nutrition and good eating habits, and additionally companies must have to have just a 10% of overweight employees. However, this case is an exception, the rule is that in general countries don't have good policies to help people to be healthy.

Furthermore, in Costa Rica overweight and obesity are serious problems, and recently some studies about it show that Costa Rica has very high index in child obesity, so this problem should push the authorities to do something about this. In other way, if the costa rican government doesn't do anything, this could be even a public health problem, so we hope that soon other investigations in the country start, to understand all the situation.

Finally, we can see that obesity and the overweight are problems that affect all the world, and every year is worst, and is important to considerate all the illnesses that are consequences of obesity. Right now, Costa Rica is facing a problem that can be controlled but only if the government and the people do something to fix this.

jueves, 12 de junio de 2014

The past

We are in the unit 3 and we are talking about history and past thing, thats remember me a lot to my mom, because she loves so much the history. She know a lot about our family, all the family history, she used to told me about her grandmother that she never met, i know what the grandmother used to eat, what she used work, and a lot a things more. 

My mom, also know about the history of our city. We lived behind a market that used to be the place where the cows were killed to be sold, and she used to go there when she was a kid. She always lived in the same place, thats why she loves so much our city. The name of the city is Barquisimeto, and is some of the more important city of Venezuela; now is so different that when my mom was a child.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

Future continuous and future perfect

We started yesterday the class of future continuous and future perfect, and for me it´s not easy. Is easy to me to create the sentences, but is more difficult to identify them, so i need to practice. Here is one of the videos that i saw to practice at home. The good thing is that my teacher explain so good and is easy to understand for me. The other good thing is that my teacher goes in the order of the book, so i know exactly what is going.

jueves, 22 de mayo de 2014

The new course

I´m very exciting for this course because i hope to learn more. In this quarter the way to evaluate is diferent because all depends on the finals exam and for me is more demanding and i like that.